Thursday, June 01, 2006


So i've been bad this week...

Tuesday was hectic (as is usual coming back from a holiday though I did update.) Wednesday i was in another state for work. And then came down with a case of lunch not sitting in my tummy well and a brand new sinus infection. (i'm blaming the kid i was babysitting monday and tuesday... as good an explanation as any)

So i'm a bit out of it and fuzzy - and working from home.

Bathfitters came in and started our master shower - they will come back tomorrow to finish the job since this is a replacement rather than a cover up. but yay - all plumbing up to code and guaranteed for life. nice huh? :)

other than that - just trying to decide if i want to test at the kung fu school next week. I don't think i'm ready and i'm not continuing with the school for a while yet, nor can i bring myself to care all that much (*could be the sinus infection talking) and yet at the same time I spent $400+ on the quarter and have worked hard to learn the forms, so i should probably try. But unless I can kick the infection the point will be moot as i won't be able to breath well enough to survive the test let alone pass.

I'm also looking into a new personal training company. One that comes to the house. It's not cheap but they focus on holistics, nutrition and overall balancing of things rather than concentrating on one particular aspect. So i figure i'll try it for 6 weeks and then if i see some improvement then it's worth the $$ ya know?

other than that, not much else...need to go sleepy....

1 comment:

minijaxter said...

hope you feel better.

i do my house is nice and cool!yay