Thursday, November 01, 2007


The title has absolutely *NOTHING* to do with this post. I was just feeling silly.

So - last night I worked trick or treating at the mall. We were out of candy by 615. (i started at 545.)

The amount of kids coming back for extras - greedy little buggers. :) I mean one kid, the 2nd time he came by - I gave him another piece because with *SO* many kids I couldn't be completely sure I hadn't seen him before. The 3rd time though, he came by with his mask on this time, and I KNEW it was him anyway - so I told him no.

Sadly - the adults were worse. One woman came up around 540 while I was standing with S (one of our managers) who was handing out candy. She said "I have 2 kids at home in wheel chairs, and what with all of their equipment and having to clean them up and all that, I'm just doing the trick or treating for them." So S gave her a candy. Then 20 minutes later, she came up and gave me the EXACT same story. (It wasn't worth the argument, so I gave her 1 more piece, but I think its sad that the adults feel the need to do that. )

My friend A who is manager of a certain chocolate store had her own issues. Obviously they aren't giving out their own product, too expensive to be honest, and not individually wrapped so not considered safe. So they bought a bunch of candy and were giving it out. A told me she almost punched the woman that came up to her next. They had completely run out of candy (also around 6:15) and the woman went off on A about how rude and obnoxious it was that they ran out of candy so early and how cheap the store was and how they RUINED her child's evening and that she would never shop there again.

umm - This is free candy folks. Would you go off on someone at their house if they were out of candy? (I mean heck, there was one kid I wouldn't give candy to - he was about 15 or 16 and had no costume. Just a bag. I told him - no costume, no candy - unless he wanted to perform to earn it. He didn't.)

But in the long run there were TONS of adorable kids who were there and having fun (and fallling asleep :) )

Now, even though I work there - what is a trip to a bookstore with out buying a book? See what happened was this. . .

I was holding the mini X-mas trees and commenting "Riiight, turn the JEW into the X-mas display." :) So the new guy heard me, started cracking up and then brought me a book to look at.

It was this.

So far, I've only read a little but it is VERY amusing. I am thoroughly enjoying it . . . :)

I love the things they come out with . . . .

Hope everyone had a good Halloween - and NO, the world is NOT coming to an end because I posted twice in 1 week. :)

1 comment:

icanseeclearlynow said...

i usually give more to the costumed kids. and sometimes i feel guilty when i withhold from older kids with little or no real costumes. but you're right, candy is for trick-or-treating KIDS. wow, adults behaving badly. imagine that.

later gator.

