Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sponge Bob Edamame

Ok -

This site has some amusing news posts (short summaries or segments of the post) and pithy commentary on those news stories. One of them is about the Licensing of Dora and Sponge bob Edamame and Edamame pods. Umm.. I'm not even sure what Edamame *IS* and they think this will work for kids? It is certainly and interesting concept, and just goes to show just how screwed up our world is sometimes. :) Spongebob vegetables... :) right, cuz that's what *I* think of when I think of spongebob... then again... mabye it's appropriate, as his apparent brain might be similar to the product "he" is endorsing. :)

I have to say - i just loved Mary's stream of consciousness blog this morning. was very entertaining. I want what she's having. :)

once again, i'm freezing in my office... I don't quite understand it. I have to dress warmer in the summer than I do in the winter. Silly.

so last night - i made lambchops for dinner. I marinated them first for a couple of hours in Vidalia onion honey mustard dressing. THen about 10 minutes before cooking added basalmic vinegar to the mix. My oh my did those come out tasty! Add to that the brown basmati rice and the steamed asparagus and I had a lovely dinner on my own. MY hubby was at his entrance interview for Massage School. He is now officially in as a student and will be starting classes on 9/11. The classes are 3 nights a week for 5 hours a night. I won't be seeing him much for the next 11 months... Oh well - on the bright side, i will then have a trained massage therapist living with me hmmmmmm.... that has lots of potential. :)

To anyone local - the massage school offers on thursday nights at either 6 or 7pm (both times are options I mean), a full 1 hour massage for $30. This is designed to give the students different people to practice on and different body types and issues to work on as well. You don't get to pick the student, and it's first come first serve. (Though I suppose you could call the school to sign up maybe and/or make an appointment) but for anyone who wants massages and can't normally afford the $70 they usually cost... this is might be a good way to do it and help out hubby in the process. :)

Umm - I think the stream of consciousness is probably coming to an end.

Oh wait. :) nope. So Minijaxter has now finished the sweater (MWUAHAHAHAH) and I have the tags. She has made me a couple of swatches so I can practice sewing things into the "sweater" material so I know how best to do it.. machine, hand etc...

Oh and the training is going well. :) I have bony ankles again. :) (instead of tree stumps) and My flexibility is starting to return in the process. I'm also not as tired all the time or feeling as drained usually. This is a good thing. Now i just have to start eating somewhat better and it will go even better in the long run. I'm signing up for another 30 sessions. :) that's another 15 weeks of torture. :) wish me luck :)

Ok - now it's over. Back to work! :) and have a great day folks. :)


minijaxter said...

mmmm edamame is soybean

yes the sweater is complete i will have pics up sometime today.

tell hubby if i could afford 30 bucks i would go see them.

also um.... yay losing weight is good... i need to do that.

Anonymous said...

I've seen SpongeBob baby carrots. My daughter found them one day when we ran into the grocery store. If it gets kids to eat it and it's not over-priced crap, I say, what the hell.

Ilanna said...

I don't have too much issue with name branding some stuff like that *IF* the prices don't get out of hand with the branding. It's just... i expect it on carrots, or celery, not really Edamame. Never thought of that as a "finger food" :) ya know?

Anonymous said...

Edamame is commonly know as soy beans in this country gaijin...

mary bishop said...

What a lucky woman to have a certified masseur?sp um massage master...that you can call your very own!

Children who eat lots of soy products get too much estrogen which isn't good for boys or girls. (At least I read that somewhere..so edamam eaters, watch out!)

I just did a quick Google and there are numerous entries warning about the hormonal effects of soy on children.

Thanks for the plug...I did more meandering thoughts this morning too.

But today I must do some housework, yesterday I just had fun visiting blogs and playing Alchemy listening to music and reading -- today I've got to accomplish something!

Ilanna said...

THe other issue with soy, is that if you eat too much of it - especially as a meat replacement, it can make you anemic. Friend of mine found that out when she went almost vegan and then had a physical and found she was anemic...